Bioactive tricalcium silicate-based dentine substitute. Biodentine™ is a bioactive dentine substitute that has mechanical properties similar to healthy dentine and can be used to replace dentine in both the crown and root region. It contains mainly high-purity, monomer-free mineral ingredients. Its mechanical and physical properties mean it functions perfectly without prior surface treatment of calcified tissues. Biodentine™ provides optimal conditions for preserving pulp vitality, ensuring hermetic sealing of dentine, no post-operative sensitivity and long-lasting restorations in teeth with vital pulp. Indicated in the crown region for: - Temporary enamel restoration. - Permanent dentine restoration. - Restoration of deep and/or large carious lesions (sandwich technique). - Restoration of deep cervical and/or root lesions. - Pulp capping. - Pulpotomy. Indicated in the root region for: - Repairing root perforations. - Repairing furcation perforations. - Repairing perforating internal root resorption. - Repairing external root resorption. - Apexification. - Retrograde root filling.