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Proclinic Expert Nano Flow composite is indicated for almost all types of restorations. It is radiopaque and guarantees natural-looking teeth. Contains nanofillers that improve polishing properties, wear resistance and compressive strength. It also contains UDMA resins that reduce viscosity and increase flexibility.
Does not contain Bis-GMA resin.
Unmatched viscosity and flowability
Indications: Class V restorations, Tunnel preparations by means of air abrasion, Pit and fissure sealant, Minimal Class I, II, III and IV restorations, Radiopaque cavity liner, Cervical abrasion/erosion lesions, Abfraction lesions, Implant sealant, Incisal abrasions, Enamel defect repairs, Minor core build-ups, Temporary crowns, Cementation of porcelain, ceramic or composite veneers, Temporary splints, Bonding of fibre bridges, Primary teeth restorations, Porcelain repairs, Block-out undercuts in inlay/onlay/crown preparations, Covering stains, Bonding tooth jewellery, Ceramic inserts.