Ultra-Etch etching gel is a 35% phosphoric acid solution for use on dentin and enamel to create ideal bonding surfaces.
Features and benefits:
- Ultra-Etch etchant is self-limiting in its etch depth, creating an etch pattern into which adhesives can penetrate to increase bond strength and reduce sensitivity. Combined with an ideal viscosity that facilitates precise placement, this self-limiting chemistry results in an optimal surface for composite application.
- Its formulation has an ideal viscosity. Although it is viscous, it can penetrate into the smallest fissures or occlusal surfaces due to physical and chemical properties that promote capillary action. However, its ideal viscosity maintains a thick enough film to prevent it from sliding on vertical surfaces or drying prematurely.
- Choice of tip models for precise application: Both the Blue Micro Tip, ideal for dot or linear etching, and the Inspiral Brush Tip, designed for surfaces and crevices, facilitate precise application and superior control.
- Leaves no residue. Quick and complete removal by rinsing with water spray.
- Dark blue in colour for good visibility.