Colour change for visual indication of each phase of the setting action: blue - pink - violet. Xantalgin® Crono is a new generation of alginate impression materials, combining the well-known properties of alginates with a continuous colour change system. The crucial phases of the processes are indicated by means of colour changes: - Blue: mixing phase - Violet: time to place the material in the tray - Pink: time to place the tray in the patient's mouth - White: time to remove the tray from the patient's mouth. The dental team can work more efficiently with Xantalgin® Crono, reducing the time spent taking impressions. Features: - Dust-free mixing - Homogeneous consistency - Superior patient comfort - Peppermint flavour - Good flow and stability - Does not contain any chemical disinfectants, making them skin- and mucosa-friendly. - Longer shelf-life without preservatives. - Smooth uniform surfaces and precise detail reproduction.